Application for Relicensure Board of Social Work Examiners

Session Time Remaining 

SWA$ 90.00
SW$ 130.00
CSW$ 170.00
CSW-PIP$ 210.00

Updated License

Once the board has reviewed and approved the renewal you have submitted, you may go to the website and print an updated license for your records. The license will reflect the updated expiration date.

During online renewal, please do not use the back button in your browser. To make a change to answers on a previous page or to review your renewal before submitting, please use the "Save for Later" button to save your renewal, log back in and access and review the previous pages. If at any time you wish to exit the process, please click the "Exit" button located at the bottom of the page.

If you will be away from your computer for any period of time after starting your online renewal, it is strongly advised that you click on the "Save for Later" button located at the bottom of each page to minimize the risk of losing the data that you have input into the system. You can then log back into the renewal at a later time by logging into the online renewal.


Please login below to begin your renewal. If you are having issues, please contact the board office.